
Time to say GOODBYE…

That’s me done. Okay so not forever but this is officially my last blog before I sign off and take some time out (if that is such a thing with a toddler!) before our little man arrives. I’d like to say that the last 7 to 8 months have…

I’m halfway there…. My #fitandhealthypregnancy journey

If you haven’t already heard (where have you been?!) I’m pregnant with number two! 27 weeks now in fact, and I’ll be totally honest with you the first 21 weeks wasn’t the best - I felt awful. It’s such a bitter-sweet situation. You’re…

Getting Results…what does it take?

While I’ve been here in Ibiza baking my baby boy (just 14ish weeks to go peeps!). I’ve also been helping a number of women (28 to be precise) on their own health and fitness journeys.   With THREE 8-week Fitness Journeys complete,…

Taking time out

Sometimes things can wait. They just have too! I can’t tell you how exhausted I’ve felt for the first 20 weeks of my second pregnancy - and de-motivated, which is totally unlike me! So over the last few weeks I’ve taken a few mini breaks…

How to deal with those pregnancy cravings

From morning sickness, to cravings, pregnancy can throw your normal eating habits into quite the spin, and at 17 weeks pregnant, I am only too familiar with the lure of a carb cravings, sugar cravings (bread, pasta, potatoes, cheese and pickle…

My Ibiza FitRetreat – a life changing week for all!

Have you ever wondered what goes on at one of my Ibiza FitRetreats...take a look! Held just twice a year – a lot of blood, sweat and tears goes into the organisation of one of these. Guests come from far and wide to have a week filled with…

My Go-To Afternoon Snack

Do you ever find yourself raiding the kitchen come 3pm looking for something sweet and energising? Yup you're not alone but thankfully this Granola recipe comes to my rescue every time! It's packed with gluten-free oats and nuts and seeds…
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Out Of Action; How to stay on track when injured

In the last year an umbilical hernia operation and a smashed up big toe (yes I stubbed it on a speed bump in Thailand) has seen me out of action for a few weeks. Does it drive me crazy not being able to exercise? Of course it does! I was hoping…

My Day on A Plate

All good things must come to an end – i've had a fab time traveling but it’s time to knuckle down and get back on the ‘healthy eating wagon’ and do you know what? I’m actually excited about it! After all the traveling i've done lately, I…

How to get fit without a gym

As you may know from my Instagram and Facebook page, it’s very rare that I go to a gym. As a busy working mama, most weeks it would be impossible to get there, as often I can only manage a spare hour to workout - and the return travel time…