Becoming pregnant presented me with a brand new challenge: staying fit, keeping my new body strong, and working on a healthy mindset, which embraced all the physical changes.
This guide is available for you…to help you do the same.
Looking after myself and my body throughout my pregnancy certainly helped me on my journey, during labour and also my recovery. I have written this guide to help you to work on your own health, nutrition, activity and happiness at such an amazing time in your life!
This exclusive training & nutrition eBook is available to purchase & download.
The StrongMama Guide to a Strong, Fit and Healthy Journey through Pregnancy Ebook: 56 Full-Colour Pages of Nutrition and Training Tips and Strategies, Workouts and Recipes
Exercise Guide: A full workout Guide to keep you Strong, Fit and Healthy through your pregnancy
Special Tips: Advanced Tips and Strategies to get the most out of your workouts during pregnancy
Healthy Recipes: I have created some of the most effective and simple nutritious recipes for you to use during your programme to maximise your health and energy levels.
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