Hi! I’m Mirella, and i’m here to help you to make health and fitness a lifestyle choice for yourself. It’s about learning to love yourself, being kind to yourself, finding motivation within yourself, believing in yourself, and making a commitment to improve yourself.
I’m here to help you to set your goals, goals you can ACHIEVE!
My passion is to help people. I love to empower my clients to push beyond their limits but the ultimate goal is to educate you, so that achieving a stronger and healthier body becomes a lifestyle choice for the future, not just a ‘fad diet’ or an unsustainable mission to get a “bikini body.”
From my experience as an athlete, I have learned how to train my body and mind. I love setting goals and seeing how far I can push myself. I’ve gone from sports to cardio, to endurance training, and for the last 10 years and more, my real love is lifting weights and feeling strong!
I now have 2 children so my life has changed quite a bit. However, I always prioritise my love for fitness, and i’m here to help you to do the same. If you’re stuck for time, motivation, want help to set a goal, need a plan, want to know how to train safely in pregnancy, want to get back to training after having a baby, want to lose weight, feel strong or simply want to live a healthier lifestyle, I can help!